Wednesday 29 October 2008

Norwegian artists should learn from DiCaprio

Norwegian artists does not participate in the global hard work to save our planet, says Steinar Lem in Framtiden i våre hender (future is in our hands) and Rasmus Hansson, WWF Norway.

Here is so quiet.
Norwegian artists does not participate in the global hard work to save our planet, or so is their cultural power invisible to us. A group of Norwegian scientists with climate expertise has now founded Concerned Scientists Norway. They quoted the author Mark Lynas "It should have been all over in the streets." Our World glide against a heat disaster. Completely unnecessary, beacuse solutions are found.

Who can describe this absurd situation so well that it contributes to change? Maybe Norwegian artists and people working with art? But here it reacts in the modest scale. You have to look long before you find that cultural attempts to adapt the human rights situation ahead of a notification, self-created and unnecessary disaster. Is Norwegian culture so bound by its own life at the close of the climate threat? Are they so dependent of fashion that they are waiting for others to begin, as Norway often are waiting for other countries to take conclusion? Are Norwegian artists today so frightened of the seventy century political posterpolitical art that they do not dare ti turn in such an apocalyptic theme that the climate threat, and leaves the cultural climate fight to Hollywood?

Read more on in norwegian

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