Wednesday 10 September 2008

Damien Hirst legger ut 200 nye arbeider på auksjon

Damien Hirst has given up smoking and drinking and wants to reinvent himself

- Jeg har blitt utslitt, sier Damien Hirst - og tror det betyr slutten for denne gang.

Den kontrovesielle og mestselgende samtidskunstneren Damien Hirst (43) vil gjenoppfinne seg selv.
-Jeg trenger å tenke litt, og gjenoppfinne meg selv, sier Hirst til The Guardian i anledning av at han taler den etablerte kunstbransjen rett imot - og legger sine nye arbeider rett ut til auksjon hos Sotheby's.

Uskreven avtale
Det er nemlig en uskreven avtale mellom kunsthandlere og auksjonshus om at kunstverker skal sirkuleres en stund mellom kunsthandlere og gallerier før de når auksjonshusene.

Damien Hirst, arguably the most successful artist alive, surrounded by hundreds of new works predicted to sell at Sotheby's next week for more than £65m, sighed.
"I'm Damien Hirst, I can't really get away from that now," he said. "This is a sort of Damien Hirst greatest hits collection. I've got a bit exhausted, I think that might be the end for now. I need to think a bit, reinvent myself."

"There is an attitude that you're not a real artist if you make money, if you're not starving in a garret with holes in your jeans. But me and Warhol and Picasso, we took on the commercial aspect of art. Goya, Rembrandt, Velásquez, all of those guys, they were all thinking about the commercial aspect of their work. It's art first though, money second. I've taken the risk that the art will outshine the money - I think it will, I hope so."

Read more on Reformer Britart rebel takes time out with £65M sale


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